
Beta 2 Release

TiwulFX Beta 2 has been released. It got new features and some bug fixes. Get the latest binaries (20130101_a) in repository download page.


New Features

  1. Agile and Normal Editing. To toggle between them, checkout the table menu in the bottom-right. See the video on 50:59.
  2. Change the amount of rows in a page. This feature is located in table menu. See the video on 1:15
  3. Able to delete new rows in insert mode if there are more than one rows. The last new row is undelete-able. See the video on 5:14
  4. Key binding to change date in date field. keyboard up/down arrow to change day of month, combined with Ctrl to change month, combine with Ctrl + Shift to change year. See the video on 3:38
  5. Remove all filters located in table menu.
  6. Not-required combobox field has blank item to allow user to unspecify value. See the video on 2:21
  7. Key bindings to toggle checkbox cell state between true, false and null using up/down keyboard arrows.
  8. [TiwulFX-Demo] Allow user to generate more records to test performance.
  9. Added custom ProgressBar column. This column is not included in TiwulFX package as it is not editable. It is intended to show that creating custom column is possible.
  10. New UI Component: LabelSeparatorMenuItem used in Table menu.
  11. Pressing ESC in LookupDialog will close it and revert back Lookup field value.

Bug Fixes

  1. LookupField validation in TableColumn now validate the input before leaving cell
  2. A better way to refresh column’s value that depends on LookupColumn value.
  3. Pressing HOME and END key in Date and Lookup Column moves to the start/end of the textfield instead of selecting first/last row.
  4. ComboBox field can display value as expected although previous selected item is null. RT-24412
  5. Fix focus highlight in Date and Lookup field
  6. Tidy up Lookup Dialog window.
  7. Fix incorrect year when selecting a date from Calendar popup after typing date in DateControl input.

Please let us know if you have any problems, feature requests or if you find bugs. TiwulFX issue tracker is the best place to discuss them. Please notice that some API are deprecated. Check API documentation to get information of the replacement method. The deprecated methods will be excluded in final release.